The Best Spring Activities That Are Social Distancing-Friendly

Photo by pintando la luz on Unsplash

As we realize that we’ll likely spend most of the beautiful spring days at home, it’s important not to despair but to find activities that are fun to do with limited resources. Here are some of our favorites.

Plant Some Herbs

If you’re into gardening at least a little bit, plant a herb garden. It can be adjusted to any space and it will give you fresh herbs for cooking experiments!

Have a Cocktail Party

Try out some new seasonal cocktails in the comfort of your home and turn regular evenings into family-friendly parties.

Refresh Your Home

If you haven’t started spring cleaning yet, it’s time to get going. Not only you’ll have something to do to make the time pass faster, but you’ll get to enjoy the end result – clean and refreshed home.


If you always complain about not having enough time for reading, now is a great time to catch up with all the books that are waiting on your shelves!