The Best Natural Ingredients for Cleaning Grease From Kitchen Surfaces

Photo by Aaron Huber on Unsplash

While cooking can be pretty fun, cleaning up after you’re done is probably not your favorite thing to do. Grease accumulates quickly, leaving you no choice but to scrub it until your arms are sore. Is there any other way to deal with it?

Turns out, there are a few simple, old-school solutions you can use to remove grease in no time and with minimum effort. Read more about them below


Store undiluted vinegar in a spray bottle so you can easily use it whenever needed. Apply to the greased surfaced and wipe after around 10 minutes. No physical effort and no destroying the surface!

Baking Soda

Always keep a bag of baking soda in your pantry as it can help you deal with grease, among other things. To clean a greasy area, simply sprinkle some baking soda on a damp sponge and wipe it down. Be careful: it can damage some sensitive surfaces.

Vegetable Oil

This one may sound odd, but it works! If everything else fails, a few drops of vegetable oil on a paper towel will remove difficult grease stains. Finish cleaning with one of the above steps for the best result.