Tag: men’s fashion

What you wear is important, But many guys aren't sure how to style them selves. Use this simple and straightforward guide and every guy can look great without spending too much time worrying about their image. It Starts By Having Confidence In Yourself Fashion doesn't begin with selecting clothes. It starts with...
A new study reveals an interesting and unexpected link between climate change and the fashion industry. Titled "A New Textiles Economy: Redesigning Fashion’s Future," the report details just how damaging our current fashion industry is, and what might happen by 2050 if something doesn’t change fast. https://www.instagram.com/p/BcpnlqDgJVw/?hl=en&taken-by=spotter.frankfurt The Impact The report showed that...
Sadly, many times fashion doesn't tend to be a big part of the average man's life. For most guys, their choices in clothing and accessories revolve around two factors and two factors only: convenience and comfort. Sure, they may vaguely attempt to match the color of their sneakers to their...

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