Stop Believing These Weight-Loss Myths

When starting a fitness journey, making sense of all the information that’s out there can get quite confusing—there are so many conflicting things available on the internet. Should you go keto, is avoiding dairy products a good idea, how many times should you workout a week? These are just some of the many questions you might have and here are five of the most common weight-loss myths.

It’s the Same For Everyone

Weight-loss is about more than just calories in minus calories out. The process is different for everyone because it’s based on bodies, lifestyles, and life experiences. Instead of looking at a scale, focus on leading healthier habits.

Carbs are Bad

Many people believe that eating carbs leads to gaining weight and that’s just not the case. Carbs are the body’s main source of energy and high-quality, complex carbohydrates keep blood sugar levels stable and help boost recovery after workouts.

Only Intense Exercise Counts

There’s a myth that unless you’re sweating during your workout, it’s not effective. Walking, yoga, swimming, and low-intensity cardio are great ways to stay in shape.

You Should Always Be Hungry

Feeling hungry isn’t a sign that your diet is working. Hunger is our body’s way of telling us it needs energy and when you ignore it, overeating and binging often happens.

The Scale is the Most Accurate

It’s easy to equate your self-worth with the number on the scale, but numbers don’t actually mean anything. Everybody is different and body size doesn’t always relate to the person’s overall health. Instead of focusing on the scale, create fitness goals like running a 5k or doing 10 pushups.