Thanksgiving Day is known for all of its traditions. From a feast to football to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, there is always plenty to do. However, there are a lot of fun things to do that aren’t commonplace everywhere. Start a fun new tradition this year. Here are some suggestions.
Watch the Dog Show
Most of America follows football, but those people that aren’t sports fans should know that the National Dog Show takes place on Thanksgiving Day. It is always fun to watch the glitz and glamour of a dog show as pups strut their stuff.
Play Games
It is always fun to have some competition when the whole family is together. Try a new yard game like cornhole or a horseshoe toss. For the adults, it is always fun to play a poker game after dinner while you’re watching the game.
Break a Wishbone
A fun tradition for the youngest kids in the family is breaking the wishbone, a forked bone in the turkey. Two people grab either side of the bone, make a wish, and play tug-of-war with the bone until it breaks. According to tradition, whoever comes away with the larger side of the wishbone will have their wish come true.
Celebrate with Far Away Family
Holidays are always a family affair, but this year, a lot of families may not be able to celebrate together. Video chat with your family that lives elsewhere and catch up with people that you haven’t spoken to in a long time.
Make Toasts
People love to make toasts at any celebration. It can be fun and entertaining to go around the table and give everyone the opportunity to give their own unique reason for raising a glass.