Start Your Day With Radio Taisō, The Japanese Secret to Living Longer

Japanese woman working out
Image via lzf/Depositphotos

No one can live forever, but the Japanese have developed a fitness routine that can definitely make you live rather long. Each morning, millions of Japan’s residents turn on their radio to listen to the public station, NHK. That’s where, for the last 95 years, a sequence of exercises known as radio taisō have been broadcast. 

The simple stretches are so gentle that they can be likened to a warm-up, yet the tradition is one that is followed by young and old. After all, you don’t just become the country with the highest life expectancy by eating ramen all day.

If you’d also like to reach age 84, make these exercises a daily habit. 

Step #1

Stand tall and stretch your whole body.

Step #2

Bend your knees up and down.

Step #3

Revolve your arms up and around.

Step #4

Spread out your legs and open your chest. 

Step #5

Lean from side to side. 

Step #6

Bend towards the floor with rhythmic bounces. 

Step #7

Twist your body from left to right while swinging your arms.