Scrunchies Are Back In Fun & Unexpected Styles

Scrunchies are back and they’re better than ever before! If you’re a Sex and the City fan, it’s hard to forget the iconic scene when Carrie criticizes her boyfriend Berger for mentioning a scrunchie in his novel, saying that no stylish New Yorker would be caught dead in one, but now, every fashion-forward girl can be seen wearing them.

Scrunchies took off in the 80s and 90s and today, scrunchies are made from elevated materials other than cotton. You can wear them anywhere—to the gym, to work, or even on date night. Here are some of our favorite scrunchie styles to inspire you.

Silk Scrunchies

Silk scrunchies are great for adding a touch of class to any updo and they won’t tug on your hair.

Corduroy Scrunchies

This new take on scrunchies will help you stand out from all the other scrunchie wearers. Get one fast before everyone starts wearing them!

Velvet Scrunchies

These super luxurious scrunchies only look expensive—they’ll instantly elevate your outfit from day to night.

Leather Scrunchies

We couldn’t believe that leather scrunchies existed until we saw them. These leather scrunchies give the cutesy accessory an edgier twist.