Scrumptious, Yet Healthy Chicken Recipes

Thai chicken salad
Thai chicken salad. Image by lenyvavsha/Depositphotos

As a core component of many people’s diets, chicken is delicious if cooked correctly. Still, it can become tedious to eat the same style of chicken on a regular basis, particularly if trying to maintain a healthy diet. Here are some alternative scrumptious yet healthy chicken recipes to shake up your meal plan.

Chicken Caprese

For this Italian dish, you’ll need to buy boneless chicken breasts. Slow-cook the chicken in a pan and slice up pieces of fresh Mozzarella cheese, basil, tomato, and pesto sauce. Once your chicken is ready, cover it with a slice of Mozzarella in a bowl of tomatoes and basil before drizzling the ingredients in pesto.

Thai Chicken Salad

Shred the chicken into bite-sized pieces and place it in a pan of almond milk, lemongrass, and red chile paste. Toss it into a salad of lettuce, noodles, mango, and coriander leaves.

Greek Chicken Marinade

To make this Greek classic, you’ll need a full chicken breast, cutting it into thick slices to cook the chicken thoroughly. Once ready, flavor the chicken with some garlic, fresh herbs, and lemon.