Reuse Your Old Mugs With These Awesome DIYs

Photo by Chris Scott on Unsplash

Over time, people collect an array of mismatched and sometimes awkward mugs. If you have a collection of mugs and have no idea how to declutter while not being wasteful, turn your old mugs into something new! These DIY projects are easy, useful, and are simple enough to do in a short amount of time. Give them a try and be eco-friendly and creative!

Herb Garden

If you love to garden or are someone who is always wanted a garden but live in an apartment, you can make a garden out of your old mugs! All you have to do is fill a mug with soil, plant an herb, and put it on the window sill. Not only will you have some amazing fresh herbs to use, you’ll save money on buying new pots.

Cold Kits

Especially during the winter months, many people catch colds or worse. Make your friends and family little car packages by putting things like teas, cough drops, or whatever you like in an old mug! It’ll save you from having to use a gift bag and then the recipient can use the mug in times of sickness.

Measuring Cups

Create your own measuring cups by marking the inside of a mug with the measurements.