8 Hollywood Stylists You Need to Follow Now

Hollywood may be all about the glitz and glam, but rest assured that nearly all of your favorite actresses, singers, and models have a...

7 Travel Destinations to Get the Most for Your Budget

Traveling overseas and exploring different parts of the world isn’t and shouldn’t be limited only to those with big budgets or years of savings...

8 Top Menswear Instagrammers

While women may hold center stage in Instagram’s fashion community, there’s still a sizeable amount of men who don’t hesitate to show their stripes...

Richest Countries in the World you Should Probably Visit

Every year we get a new list of the richest and poorest countries in the world. It's made based on various factors and this...

Home Decor on a Budget: Nearly Free Decorations

You probably think you need to spend a lot in order to make your apartment look modern and fancy, but the truth is that it...

Masterpieces of Architecture That Defy Time and Space

Architecture can be truly wonderful, no matter if we're talking about churches or shopping centers, completely traditional or insanely futuristic buildings. Let's see some...

The Most Inspiring European Cities to Live, Work and Have Fun...

New technologies have brought us new possibilities for remote work - in other words, you don't even need to be based in the same city...

5 Decisions to Make Today to Have Happier and More Fulfilled...

How often do you ask yourself if you are truly happy with your life - on a private, professional, emotional level? It's completely normal...

The Artists Who Went Viral Thanks to Their Talent and Creativity

It's every artist dream to become popular enough to be able to make a living from their work. Also, millions of fans around the...

4 Books About Fashion You’d Want to Read Over and Over...

There are plenty of books about fashion, but some are the absolutely essential? We've picked 4 of the most interesting ones that will make...

Meghan Markle With Her Beautiful Natural Curls

This past Monday, we all woke up to one of the most positive news of 2017: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged! The announcement...

You must see the Unusual Architecture of the Round Houses in...

People always want to express their creativity and make things that are different from the standard. Take this Dutch architect, for example. Dries Kreijkamp's...