Celebrities Are Going Crazy for Colorful Hair Dye in Quarantine

Many people are reaching new levels of boredom while social distancing and trying new things they’d never do otherwise – including our favorite celebrities....

5 Best Ways to Welcome Seashell Décor Into Your Home

Seashell shaped décor is experiencing a huge boom this year, because it allows you to the seaside in the comfort of your own home...

Miss Coffee? These Coffee Subscription Boxes Have Your Back!

Many of us miss stopping at our local coffee shop first thing in the morning for our cup of Joe. But, with coffee subscription...

Stylish Prints from Tally Weijl’s Instagram

Tally Weijl is one of the best places to shop if you’re looking for trendy clothes that don’t cost a fortune. If you’re a huge fan...

Pass the Time in Quarantine by Learning Viral TikTok Dances

TikTok is one app that everyone seems to be using these days to pass the time in quarantine because it’s a great source of...

Check Out Kelly Clarkson’s Home Collection with Wayfair

We’re all looking for new ways to bring some light and comfort into our homes these days, and Kelly Clarkson is here to help us out....

These Rice Crispy Treats Will Solve Your Sweet Cravings

Did you love baking rice crispy treats as a kid? These wholesome homemade rice crispy treats swap marshmallows and butter with healthy alternatives like...

What “Fleabag” Teaches Us About Feminity

Femininity is a slippery topic. The question of what it is to be a "modern woman" is as complex as it is unsatisfying. In...

HIIT vs Tabata Workouts: Which are Better?

Scrolling through YouTube fitness channels you'll see a lot of videos for HIIT and Tabata workout, but what's the difference between these cardio exercises?...

Creative Ways to Use Produce That Aren’t Salads

Do you have tons of spinach, broccoli, or bananas that are about to go bad and you don't want to be wasteful and throw...

Here’s How to Look Trendy Without Spending Any Money

We love to be up-to-date on the latest fashion trends, but keeping up with them can hurt our credit card. Which leads us to...

5 Brand New TV Shows You Shouldn’t Miss This April

If you’re spending your time in quarantine looking for the next great series to watch, you’ll be pretty busy this month, since our favorite...