How Micro-penning Can Change Your Life

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Micro-penning is a trend that is becoming popular in skincare, thanks largely to videos of women getting micropen treatments that are available on social media.

They may look a little scary, but the benefits of micro-pen treatments are amazing.

What is micro-penning?

Micro-penning is a skincare treatment done with a special device that contains 12-14 little needles. These needles penetrate the skin during the treatment which causes it to bleed. It looks quite painful and the immediate appearance of the skin is bloody and inflamed.

Why undergo it?

It sounds like self-inflicted torture, but there is a logic to it.

When the machine needles pierce the skin on the face, the nerves send messages to the brain indicating an injury that needs healing.

The brain immediately gets to work sending collagen and other substances to the facial skin to heal it.

That’s why micro-penning works for scarring and acne.

What’s it like?

Although your face is numbed, it is somewhat painful, especially when it is done on less fatty parts of the face such as the forehead.

And the result?

Within a week, a visible difference can be seen in the health of the skin.