Meet Shortage? Try These Meat Substitutes

If you’ve been grocery shopping lately, you’ve probably noticed that the meat counters are looking extremely empty and the prices have gone up. That’s because the country meat processing plants are closed or they’re slowing production due to the coronavirus. But, you can still get the feeling like you’re eating meat with these meat substitutes and you’ll be saving money along the way.

Try Tofu Instead of Chicken

Many people don’t give tofu a chance because they think it’s flavorless, but that’s the beauty of it. Tofu absorbs almost any marinade or flavor you add to it. Grill if with teriyaki flavors, eat it in a sandwich, or give it a crunchy coating.

Try Beans Instead of Ground Beef

Try swapping beef for cooked legumes like beans, chickpeas, and lentils. Black bean burgers and vegetarian chili are so tasty!

Try Jackfruit Instead of Pork

You’ll be surprised when you taste how much the meaty flesh of jackfruit tastes like pork. All you have to do is shred it and cook it like pulled pork. Jackfruit can be found in the Asian section of supermarkets and grocery stores often have ready-to-cook packages of it.

Try Portobellos Instead of Burgers

Mushroom lovers will love this swap and the umami flavor and meaty texture works well as a replacement for meat. You can grill them without worrying they’ll fall apart and they’re big enough to eat in a bun like a burger.