Life Lessons to Make Every Day a Little Bit Easier

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

In case you didn’t get the memo, adulting is hard. Having responsibilities, sticking to commitments, and still remembering to eat are all things that can seriously take their toll. Wouldn’t it be nice to just simplify everything a little bit? Here’s how to make your life a bit easier.

Change the Bar

The society we find ourselves in tends to associate a lot of our worth with accomplishments. All it actually does is make us feel like we have to do more, more, more—and that’s not true. Your worth has nothing to do with having a clean house or completing assignments at work. Remember that you are worthy always.

You Do Deserve Nice Things

Another thing about that incorrect measuring system is that we feel like we only deserve nice things if we’ve accomplished something. Wrong! You deserve to be good to yourself. Allow yourself one simple pleasure a day. A nice walk, a half hour listening to music you enjoy, or a chat with a friend. 

Clear Space, Clear Mind

If you prefer a more practical approach to things, this decluttering technique can help free up some space in your mind without the task of feeling overwhelmed. All you have to do is let go of three things a day. Keep a box or bag close by and slowly fill it, then donate the contents.