At 54 years old, Jennifer Aniston remains one of Hollywood’s leading ladies, appearing in an array of blockbuster movies. With many adoring fans praising her glowing appearance and constant energy, Aniston has a few tips to share on how to feel young and vibrant.
Skincare Is A Must
Aniston credited her wrinkle-free skin with her rigid skincare routine. In addition to washing her face with regular soap and water after she wakes up in the morning, Aniston applies a facial cleanser and an anti-aging moisturizer daily. She does warn against overwashing, however, so as not to strip away too much skin.
Remain Disciplined
Aniston affirmed that no matter what your personal care routine is, you need to remain disciplined in order to get results. “Wellness is a commitment you have to choose every day,” the actress explained, adding that she makes sure to meditate on a regular basis in order to keep calm.
Stay Hydrated
Just as she makes sure to exercise and eat right regularly, so too does Aniston make sure to drink enough water. In addition to avoiding dehydration, drinking enough fluids also helps to hydrate your skin and give you a healthy glow.