It’s Time to Ditch the Alarm Clock—Here’s How to Wake Up Naturally

Waking up in the morning
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Are you reliant on your alarm clock? While there’s nothing wrong with using an alarm clock, if you’re trying to wake up naturally, you can train yourself to do so. Anyone can do it and long as they’re getting the right amount of quality sleep. Here are some tips for waking up naturally.

Learn About Your Internal Clock

Start by figuring out how much sleep your body needs. The best way to do this is to wait for a long weekend or vacation and to go to bed when you feel tired and wake up when you’re fully rested.

Stick With a Routine

The key to waking up naturally has to do with maintaining a consistent sleep schedule. After you’ve determined your sleep-wake cycle and how many hours of sleep you need, start going to bed at the same time every night. Make sure you keep to this on the weekends or days off.

Reduce Stress at Night

Melatonin and cortisol play significant roles in sleep and to fall asleep your melatonin increases and cortisol decreases. Cortisol is the stress hormone, so to reduce the levels, avoid activities at night that cause anxiety.

Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Good sleep hygiene includes avoiding caffeine six hours leading up to bedtime and trying not to eat or drink alcohol two to three hours before you head to sleep. Make sure your bedroom is cool and free of clutter. If this doesn’t help, try taking a shower, journaling, breathing exercising, or reading before heading to bed.