How To Utilize Your Fruit Scraps

Image via itspinkykg/Instagram

There’s nothing better than fresh squeezed orange juice, homemade apple pie, or simple strawberries on a spring day. Unfortunately, there is always a part of the fruit that gets left behind, but it doesn’t have to be that way! There are so many beautiful and delicious ways to use fruit scraps that will stop you from wasting your money and your food.

Apple Jelly

Although the core and skin of an apple are edible, if you’re cooking or baking with them it is generally the rule of thumb to discard these parts. Don’t! Save them and make apple scrap jelly. Boil the scraps in water, strain, add sugar and lemon juice and you’ll have an awesome spread for breakfast.

Chocolate Covered Citrus Peels

Any citrus peel is technically edible but very bitter. However, by soaking them in water and blanching them they lose the bitterness but retain their bright acidity. Dip them in melted chocolate and you have a treat with a side of vitamin C!   

Fruit Scrap Sangria

Consider saving your scraps for a refreshing sangria. For red wine, apples and citrus work best. For white wine, you can use kiwi skins, peach skin, or anything else you have lying around.