How to Unplug When You Work From Home

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

For the majority of 2020, many of us have been working from home and it looks like we’ll continue doing so into 2021. In the past, technology made it difficult to unplug from work, but working from home has made it even harder to separate work life from home life. With all this said, it’s important to maintain a balance, and here are some tips for doing that.

Create Transition Activities

When working from home, it’s hard to shake the feelings of stress and anxiety after the work day is finished. To combat this, try creating transition activities like taking a shower, going for a walk, running an errand, or prepping food for dinner.

Set Expectations

It’s hard to unplug when you’re overwhelmed or anxious about things that you still need to do. Set out expectations in relation to your workday hours and the tasks you hope to achieve each day. If possible, try and work the same hours you did while you went into the office.

Create Physical Boundaries

When possible, try and separate your office space and living space. Try and designate a room in your house where work is not possible.

Take a Screen Break

In the evening, try and only do activities that don’t require a screen and put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” mode so you can be distraction free.