How to Stay Committed to a New Hobby

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

You started the new year with resolutions to find a new hobby, to find something you love to do; whether that is a creative hobby or going to the gym it is still something you want to stay committed to. Hobbies are important to everyone; it can expand your interests and help with your self-confidence. Here are a few ways to stay committed to a new hobby.

Enjoy the Process

Don’t feel pressured to reach a professional level on Day one. Doing this can make you become frustrated with the process when you don’t get the results you expected. You need to trust the process and allow yourself to enjoy learning something new.

Schedule Time

Schedule time in your calendar each week to do your new hobby, otherwise you will never get around to it.

Be Accountable

Either pay for classes or buy the materials you need for this new hobby; this is a sure way to hold you accountable. Spending money on something will make you want to do it more.

Don’t Try to Monetize Your Hobby

Once you have reached a good level with your new hobby you will be tempted to try and monetize it. Doing something, like creating art, and trying to sell it can take all the fun out of the hobby. Having something that is just for you, with no pressure or obligations will feel much better.