How to Make Your Laundry Routine More Eco-Friendly

Trying to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle? Most of our daily household chores can have a bad impact on the environment and doing laundry is certainly one of them. But with these easy eco-friendly swaps, you can make your laundry routine much more sustainable.

Use Eco-Friendly Detergent

Commercial laundry detergents usually contain harmful chemicals that can irritate skin and are extremely bad for the environment. Think about switching to eco-friendly detergents that are just as efficient, but better for our planet.

Run Full Loads

The easiest way to save water and energy is to avoid running the washing machine with only half a load of clothes. In case you really need a specific garment, it’s always best and quicker to just hand-wash it.

Air-Dry Your Clothes

The dryer is a huge energy waster too, so try not to use it if you really don’t need it. On hot summer days, it’s better to dry clothes outside on a drying rack or retractable clothes lines. Your clothes will smell better and you’ll definitely save some energy.