How to Make Smart Goals You’ll Actually Achieve

Whether you’re training for your first big race, trying to lose weight, lead a healthier lifestyle, or build muscle, the first place to start is to identify goals. SMART goals allow you to create a way to reach your goals and they allow you to make lifestyle changes that will help you get you get to your goals. If you’re not familiar with SMART goals, here’s how to make them.


The first part of SMART goals is that they need to be specific which means they need to be narrowed down. When goals are too broad it’s harder to actually take the steps to follow them.


In order to see if you have reached your goal, it has to be measurable and you need to be able to monitor your progress.


Before setting goals, make sure that they are realistic and that you can actually reach them. If you find that your goals are too easy, you can set new ones, which is better than them being too hard and getting frustrated when you don’t achieve them. When setting goals, pay attention to your genetics, lifestyle, and schedule.


The motivation to reach your goals needs to come within, not from a doctor or friends and family. Why do you want to make these changes? Write it down so the next time you feel discouraged you can refer back to it.


Set a target date for achieving your goals like a vacation, birthday, or a race. Keep the deadlines short and adjust them as needed.