How to Have an Eco-Friendly Summer

Summer is all about enjoying the outdoors, whether that’s at the pool, the beach, or camping. There are so many amazing reasons why we should be taking care of the earth, especially when we utilize it more often in the summer. Here are some easy and simple ways to show your love for our planet.

Pick Up Trash

This is probably the most cliche activity in terms of being green, but it’s super effective. Whether you’re at the beach or on a trail, it’s so important not only to pick up your trash but to pick up any trash you see lying around. This is because animals can easily eat it, which can make them sick or be deadly to them.

Avoid Plastic

Summer is the most popular time for people to throw parties and have picnics. Even though it’s easier to use disposable items, try using reusable cups, compostable plates, and real silverware. Also, make sure to always bring a reusable water bottle so you don’t have to buy plastic ones.

Utilize the Sun

When it’s hot outside, there’s no need to use dryers for your laundry, just hang everything outside! In a matter of hours, all your items will be dry and you will save energy and money on your electricity bill!