Here’s What You Didn’t Know About Your Favorite Hot Beverage – Coffee

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Coffee is so much more than just a drink. It’s a ritual to indulge in alone, or with the best friend, whenever you feel like you need a break. Coffee and everything connected to it is pure enjoyment. But how much do you actually know about it? Here are some fun facts that you probably didn’t know.

  • Apparently, Famous writer Honore de Balzac used to have 50 cups of coffee per day in order to stay awake and keep writing.
  • In 1932, Brazil didn’t have the money to send the athletes to the Olympic Games in L.A., but they came up with a creative solution – they sent the athletes on a ship, along with gallons of coffee they sold to earn the necessary money.
  • In 1674, a group of women from the U.K. petitioned to ban coffee to men under the age of 60, arguing that coffee made them gossip more than women.
  • According to a legend, a young shepherd from Ethiopia was the first to discover coffee. It was the 9th century when he noticed that his goats get crazy when they eat this plant.
  • People started adding milk to their coffee in 1600th when a doctor suggesting some of his patients to start doing this.

  • In the ancient Arab culture, there was only one acceptable reason for a woman to get a divorce – if her husband didn’t provide enough coffee.
  • Coffee grows on a bush, which technically makes it a fruit.

  • Instant coffee was invented by George Washington – not the president, though. This George was a Belgian living in Guatemala and it happened in 1906.
  • Every year, people around the world drink over 500 billion of cups of coffee, more than a half of it over breakfast.