Ways to Jazz Up Your Java at Home

Iced Coffee
Photo by Anastasia Belousova/Pexels

Everyone knows that there’s nothing more important than your morning cup of coffee. Whether you like it hot or iced, buying it every day from a trendy coffee shop gets expensive. Keep reading for some hot tips on how to skip the $6 latte, and jazz up your java at home.

Good Beans

Good coffee starts with better beans. Check out your local coffee shop for fresh beans from a variety of origins. For even better results, grind the beans yourself with a simple grinder and let the smell of fresh beans fill your home.

Flavored Syrups

If you’re someone who loves flavored coffee, try buying some store-bought flavors, or make them at home. You would be surprised how easy a stove-top brown sugar syrup is to make. With a variety of flavors on hand, the coffee world is your oyster.


Froth Your Milk

Invest in a hand frother! In addition to hand frothers, you can also check out milk frothers that will also heat up your milk. Not only will a frother make your coffee taste better, but it will also give you that genuine coffee shop vibe.

Shaken Espressos

Put your bartending skills to the test and make a shaken espresso using a cocktail shaker! Mix it with your favorite syrup or brown sugar and pour it over ice and milk of your choice.
