Give Your Yard a Makeover in Time for Summer

Photo by adriana carles on Unsplash

If you feel your garden needs a bit of sprucing up in time for summer, there are some easy things you can do. They don’t cost too much and will make a huge difference to your yard.

Paint it

Your garden or patio furniture may need a coat of paint after the long winter. Go for some neutral tones, but add in a bold, bright color to bring in that summer feel.

Weed it

Garden beds full of weeds make your yard look neglected. Wait for a sprinkle of rain to soften the ground, then get stuck into those weeds.

Mulch it

A layer of mulch in your garden beds gives the soil an extra boost. That will be passed on to your shrubs and flowers as the soil feeds them.

Step on it

Lay out a garden path with stepping stones as a focal point for your garden. Don’t stick with a conventional straight path. Make a curving meander.

Clean it

As much as you give the inside of your house a spring clean, do the same for the outside. Sweep up excess leaves, clean out the gutters, and hose down your patio.