Flying With Low-Cost Airlines? Get Ready to Pay Extra for These Five Perks

Photo by Phil Mosley on Unsplash

Low-cost airlines experienced a huge boom in recent years and made it easier to explore the world on a budget. Even though they offer low prices, airlines such as EasyJet and Ryanair will ask you to pay extra for many unexpected amenities, starting with these five.

Extra Bags

One of the biggest downsides of low-cost airlines is that you have to travel extremely lightly for your ticket to pay off. Not even carry-ons are included in the regular price, and you can only take a backpack or a bag of specific dimensions on board for free.

In Person Check-In

Most low-cost airlines offer online check-in and you should make sure to use it to your advantage because they’ll charge you extra if you check in at the airport.

Seat Selection

Do you want to take photos for your Instagram from the coveted window seat or sit with your companion during your flight? This isn’t an impossible mission—as long as you’re ready to splash out and spend more money.

Extra Flexibility

Once you book a low-cost flight, there’s no changing your mind—unless you paid extra for a flexible booking. Change of date is usually impossible, and your tickets will go to waste if you don’t invest in this perk.

Food and Drinks

Given all the things listed above, it’s not a shocker you’ll have to pay for food on low-cost flights, but snacks and beverages will also cost you extra—even water!