Fitness Activities To Shake Up Your Exercise Routine

Is your new year resolution exercise routine already getting stale? Here are five fun fitness activities to mix up your routine and put the fun back into your workout.


Dance your way to better health with the Latin American dance workout, Chasamba. It includes jive and the cha cha to help you get your heart rate up and move your hips to some invigorating dance beats.

Aerial Yoga

If you want to take your yoga routine to the next level, sign up for an aerial yoga class near you. You’ll learn how to dangle from silk hammocks like a gymnast and you’ll have a whole lot of fun working up a sweat.


Fitsteps was created by Strictly Come Dancing legends, Ian Waite and Natalie Lowe. You can get your heart rate pumping with some new dance moves in the comfort of your own living room. You don’t even need a dance partner.

Aqua Zumba

Swimming is a great activity for improving your fitness levels. Aqua Zumba is one level up from aqua aerobics. You’ll burn a lot of calories but more importantly, you’ll have a good time doing so.

Team Sports

Instead of running solo, you can mix things up by checking out the team sports available in your area. Sports like football are great for building stamina and can be a great social activity too.