Fashion 101: How to Wear the Denim on Denim Trend

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

The denim on denim trend is everywhere, but we have to admit that it’s one of the most difficult things to pull off and look fashionable. How do you even combine different denim pieces? If you have no idea, but would still like to try it, follow our simple advice and you’ll see that it’s easier than you think!

The Beginner

If you’re attracted to this trend and curious to try it, but you have no clue how to do it properly, start small. Pairing light wash jeans with a darker denim jacket is a great start!

Black jeans and a dark denim jacket are also a great option.

Slim Jeans and Oversized Jacket

One way to combine jeans and denim jacket in a similar color is to mix sizes. Pick slim jeans and a big, oversized jacket and don’t forget to break it with a fun tee.


We’d stay away from denim accessories. Denim bags, hair ties, shoes, etc. can be too much even if you already know how to style denim with ease.