Everything You Never Knew About Bananas

Photo by Mike Dorner on Unsplash

Bananas, much like chocolate, are the victims of many false beliefs. Some people think they are hard to digest, a bad choice for diets, while others claim the opposite.


What you need to know is that bananas should be consumed when they are ripe – the darker the peel, the better. They are the sweetest when their peel is completely black – at that point, starch turns into sugar. Contrary to the popular belief, you can, and should, store bananas in the fridge to keep them fresh longer.


Perhaps it’s enough for you that they taste good, but there are other benefits to eating bananas. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, and you can even use the peel.

Bananas are rich in vitamins B6 and B12 and have a level of sodium, which makes them a perfect addition to a healthy diet. They also consist magnesium and potassium, along with sucrose, fructose, and glucose.

It hasn’t been scientifically proven, but there are claims that bananas help nicotine addicts stop smoking.


Even one banana can help with your blood sugar levels, which is great to know for when you need to eat something sweet. Apparently, our moms were right – a banana is a perfect sweet snack.