Everyone Is Going Crazy for Lirika Matoshi’s Strawberry Dress

Picking the unofficial “dress of the summer” is a pretty difficult task, but not this year. Lirika Matoshi’s dreamlike strawberry dress is the most obvious candidate, and it’s probably the only viral gown we’ll still remember once the summer is over.


The strawberry dress is one of the rare fashion items this year that managed to gain the status of a viral sensation. It inspired think pieces, fan art, and DIY tutorials, and you’ve probably seen the viral tweet that reads “girls don’t want boys, girls want strawberry dress” by now.

The lack of celebrity events this summer left us turning to Instagram for fashion inspiration, and Lirika Matoshi certainly delivered. Tess Holliday put the dress on the map when she wore it at the Grammys this year, but that was just the beginning of its rise in popularity.


The strawberry dress owes its viral fame to several factors, ranging from the relatively low price point, impressive size range, and cottagecore connection. The list goes on, but its whimsical, glittery, strawberry-covered exterior is the main reason why it’s so beloved.
