Delicious Ways to Use Leftover Cake

After throwing a birthday party, bridal shower, or graduation party, we’ve all been left with leftover cake and not known how to use it. While freezing it is always an option, if you don’t have room in your freezer or want to eat the cake while it’s still fresh, there are tons of amazing desserts you can use your leftover cake for. Here are just a few ideas to get you started.


You can’t mess up this dessert which comes together with bite-sized leftover cake, custard, whipped cream, fresh fruit, pudding, and jam. When assembling it, try and match the ingredients to the flavors already present in your cake.

Cake Pops

Making cake pops has never been easier. Just crumble frosted cake into balls and put it on lollypop sticks before laying it on nonstick cookie sheets and freezing it for 20 minutes. After the cake pops are hardened, melt a bar or two of chocolate and dip the pops into it before adding additional toppings and freezing the pops until they’re hardened.

Ice Cream Topping

You’ve heard of birthday cake ice cream, so why not make your own by adding cake crumbs to ice cream? You can even heat up your cake crumbs in the oven for a few minutes to make the dessert even tastier.

Cake Shakes

Make a milkshake even better by adding leftover cake. And for an even more decadent dessert, add rum, apple brandy, or coffee liqueur.