Declutter Your Instagram Feed by Following These Three Steps

If you spend countless hours every day scrolling through your Instagram, you should make an effort to transform it into your happy place. If you’re constantly getting frustrated and annoyed by the content on your feed, it’s probably time to clean it up a little bit – by following these three basic steps.

Let It Go

We’re all following a bunch of people who were a part of our life years ago out of common courtesy. Remember you’re not obliged to check in with random people from your past if you’re not genuinely interested in what’s going on in their lives right now.

Good Vibes

Most people are following countless celebrities and influencers on Instagram, but this habit might end up doing you more harm than good. If you find yourself feeling envious of their lifestyle and bitter you don’t have it as good, you should do some soul searching – after pushing the unfollow button.

Time for Mute

Life would be so much easier if we could simply unfollow all the annoying people, but that’s not possible every time. If you want to stay on good term with your work friends or family members who are posting stuff you don’t care about, you can remove them from your feed by using the mute option.