Create Your Own Vision Board to Turn Your Dreams Into a Reality

Image via Verlen4418/depositphotos

Eating healthier, joining the gym, traveling more, or making time for hanging out with friends – vision boards can help make all your New Year’s resolutions a reality. Not only are vision boards fun to make, but they also serve as a visual representation of your goals. Here’s how to make your very own.

What’s Important?

First, think about what’s important to you and what you’d like to change in your life. You then need to decide if you want your board to have short-term or long-term goals. In general, it’s easier to keep track of one or two long term goals.

Gather Magazines

We all have tons of old magazines lying around our house and this is the perfect time to put them to good use. If you can’t find what you’re looking for flipping through magazines, you can always hit up Instagram or Pinterest. For example, if you want to start dressing more fashionably, go through magazines like Vogue or Cosmopolitan and cut out outfits or clothing that inspires you.

Hang it Somewhere Visible

Make sure that the images or words you select are visually appealing and striking so that your board catches your attention. When you’re finished creating your board, hang it somewhere visible, like your nightstand or above your fireplace because you want to see it regularly.