Common Myths About Sunscreen, Debunked

Sunscreen myths debunked
Photo by BATCH by Wisconsin Hemp Scientific on Unsplash

We all know that protecting our skin from the sun is crucial during the summer season, which is why sunscreen is a staple in our beauty routine. But there are still many myths and misconceptions about sun protection, and here are some of the most common myths you should stop believing.

Using makeup with SPF is enough

Using makeup with SPF is a great way to keep your skin protected, but it shouldn’t be a replacement for sunscreen because it cannot provide adequate coverage.

You cannot tan while wearing sunscreen

People sometimes avoid applying sunscreen because they want to get a tan, which is a huge mistake. It is true that sunscreen will slow down the tanning process, but you can definitely get a beautiful bronze tan even while wearing sunscreen.

It’s not always necessary

People often think that sunscreen is necessary only when we’re directly exposed to sunlight at the beach or by the pool. The truth is that sunscreen should be applied all year round, even during winter and cloudy days.

Higher SPF means longer protection

Just because you’re using SPF 50 doesn’t mean you shouldn’t reapply sunscreen regularly. No matter the SPF, sunscreens can last two to three hours on the skin, which means that it must be reapplied every two hours.