Clean Your Fridge in 4 Easy Steps

Photo by Ello on Unsplash

Cleaning out your fridge may feel like a daunting expedition to somewhere icy (see what we did there?), but it needn’t be. Doing regular spring cleaning amongst the spring onions is the best way to ensure food safety. Here’s how to prevent bacteria from turning your refrigerator into a theme park. 

Step #1

Turn off the fridge to conserve energy while you clean. Empty the contents of the fridge and place the items in a cooler with ice packs. Anything that looks like it has seen its best days, has an odd smell, or has passed its expiry date should be tossed in the trash.

Step #2

Take out any removable shelves, drawers, and other detachable parts. Mix a solution of mild dish soap and warm water, and allow them to soak. You can also add some vinegar, if you wish. After soaking off the grime, let the parts air dry or wipe them down with a cloth. 

Step #3

Wipe the interior and exterior of the fridge using the same solution. A little baking soda mixed with warm water can also create a power paste to get rid of stubborn spillages that won’t budge.

Step #4

Once dry, put back the shelves, drawers, and other bits. Make a reminder to do a thorough cleaning every three to four months, and wipe away anything that may have stopped as soon as you spot it.