Clean the Whole Apartment in an Hour With These Tips

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

There’s no reason to spend half a day cleaning your home when you can do it quickly and move on to something more fun and productive! Here’s our list of favorite things to do when you want to have everything clean in an hour.

Deal with Clutter

Take a laundry basket or a similar container and go through your home, putting all the clutter in it. If you’re really in a hurry (e.g. expecting guests), you can temporarily store it out of sight. Another option is to go through your home again with the basket full and put everything where it belongs.

Conquer Kitchen

Load the dishwasher, wipe down the counters, sink, and appliances and your kitchen will already look a lot better! Make sure there’s nothing rotten in the fridge that will spread the bad smell. Take out the trash.

Bathroom Check-up

If you don’t have much time, do the essentials: clean the toilet and sink, and give everything else a quick wipe. Take out the bathroom trash and put out fresh towels.

Sweep the Floors

Sweep or vacuum the floors to remove dust and dirt and light a scented candle. Enjoy your fresh home!