Best Ways to Make Your Pumpkin Pie A Little Bit Healthier

Pumpkin pie
Photo by Didi Miam on Unsplash

Pumpkin pie is one of the ultimate fall desserts, and it’s a better time than ever to fire up your oven and make one at home. If you want your pie to be healthy and delicious at the same time, these three tips will get you there.

Main Ingredients

Pumpkin pie crust is available and the most well-supplied grocery stores these days. When buying it, check the label to make sure you’re picking the healthiest option. Homemade crust is an even better option because it leaves you in control of all the ingredients, and you can ditch processed flour and dairy milk.

Sweetener Switch-Up

The sweeteners you use in your potato pie makes all the difference. Even if your go-to recipe calls for white sugar, you should avoid it at all costs, and make your pie a little bit sweeter by using honey, maple syrup, and similar natural sweeteners. Sugary toppings, such as whipper cream, are also best avoided.

Ditch Canned Pumpkin

Most people use canned pumpkin puree when making pumpkin pie to speed up the process, but keep in mind this ingredient can contain high amounts of artificial sugars and flavorings. Go for all-natural pumpkin puree whenever possible or simply buy a fresh pumpkin and make your own instead.