Anna Wintour Reveals What You Should Wear to a Job Interview

First impressions are important, no matter what anyone says. When getting ready for a job interview, it can be extremely stressful to pick an outfit that will leave a good impression.

Fortunately, long-time editor of Vogue, Anna Wintour, recently revealed what to where to a job interview.

“It’s so interesting to me how people dress when they come in for interviews,” Wintour said her video series called, Go Ask Anna.

“Sometimes you feel they’re wearing clothes that they just bought that morning, or maybe the night before, and not something that in any way suits their personality and who they are. I think what everyone should remember, whether they’re interviewing at Vogueor indeed anywhere, that we’re not hiring your wardrobe. Your wardrobe is not going to be doing the job for you — it’s who you are.”

Wintour added that she once hired a guy who came to an interview wearing a dress and a handbag, just because he didn’t pretend to be someone he wasn’t.

Next time you go to an interview, wear something you love and feel comfortable in.

Take a look at this video for other useful tips from Wintour.