A Guide for Storing Your Refrigerator Products

Image via tsstephanieruth/Instagram

There is nothing more frustrating than looking inside your refrigerator and seeing molding, wrinkling, untouched produce. When you don’t store your produce correctly, that is the inevitable outcome. Society has taught us that everything should go straight into the fridge, but it’s just not the truth. If you are serious about saving your fruits and vegetables, find out where all of your produce should really be stored.


Potatoes should always be in a dark place so that they don’t start sprouting, but keep them out of the fridge! Find them a nice drawer or corner of the kitchen instead.

Onions and Garlic

The same rules for potatoes go for onions and garlic with one exception; garlic and onions go together, garlic onions and potatoes do not. If you put these three ingredients together, your potatoes will suffer, so keep these guys as far apart as you can.



Underripe tomatoes should be stored in a paper bag in a cool dark place until they turn red. Once ripened, leave tomatoes out on the counter, do not refrigerate! Tomatoes lose their flavor and will turn mealy if put in the fridge, so fight the urge! Keep them in plain sight!
