5 Literary Classics You Can Read in One Sitting

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There’s no better way to spend your time in quarantine than cozying up with a good book. If you’re trying to check out as many books as possible during this time, here’s a couple of literary classics you can read in a single sitting since they’re under 200 pages long.

The Old Man and the Sea

Ernest Hemingway’s seminal novel will suck you right in with its poignant story of the aging fisherman trying to catch a giant marlin off the coast of Cuba.


The Stranger

Albert Camus’s novel about a man who commits senseless murder on an Algerian beach is no easy read, but it’s so good that you’ll struggle to put it down.

Animal Farm

George Orwell’s tale about a group of animals rebelling against their human owner in an attempt to become equal and free is one of the best allegorical novels in modern history.

Waiting for Godot

Samuel Beckett’s iconic play tells the tale of two men waiting for someone who never arrives, and it’s both hilarious and tragic.

The Little Prince

Even if you’ve already read this book, now’s the perfect time to revisit The Little Prince, and join him on a journey across the universe as he tries to escape his loneliness.
