5 Cleaning Mistakes You Can Easily Correct

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Let’s face it, cleaning your home is a necessary evil. Getting it done as quickly as possible is easy if you avoid these 5 crucial mistakes you may be making:


Putting cleaning tasks off until another day merely makes them a bigger job in the long run. It is better to spend a little time each day cleaning. Have a to-do list and stick to it.

The method

Avoid cleaning and then decluttering. Remember, if you clean the floor first and then dust the ceilings, you’ll have to clean the floor again. Be systematic in your approach.

Poor products

If you don’t use good quality cleaning products suitable for the job, you’ll spend more time cleaning again and again.

Dirty equipment

When you clean the floor with a dirty mop, all you’re doing is spreading the dirt back around the room. Always make sure your cleaning equipment is clean when you are finished so that it is ready for the next time.


Excluding your kids

Include your kids by giving them age-appropriate tasks. It saves you time and teaches them responsibility for the cleanliness of their home.