4 Ways to Prevent and Treat Dry Winter Lips

Photo by Sarah Gray on Unsplash

Your tried and true tube of Chapstick can only take you so far in overcoming the havoc that ice cold winter weather can cause for your lips.

If you suffer from dry lips, whether only in the winter or year-round, consider adding the following self-care tips and lip products that will keep your pout moisturized through the brighter days that wait ahead:

Invest in a humidifier

Humidifiers will help keep your lips significantly moisturized in addition to helping your hair, skin, and your respiratory system.


Try out a lip mask

Just as face masks get more numerous and diverse by the day, lip masks are now a thing to help maintain a kissable pucker. They come both in sheet mask form plus concentrated balm.


Exfoliate your lips

Yes, dead skin collects up on your lips and yes, you can exfoliate to slough it away for a more refined, healthier mouth.


Seal it with a balmed kiss

Finish the new lip routine with a lip oil or standard balm and apply as needed throughout the day.
