3 Tips for Recreating Celebrity Workouts in a Realistic Way

Photo by Bradley Dunn on Unsplash

Trying to copy celebrity workouts is a double-edged sword. Their fitness routines are pretty effective, but they also have access to resources that most other people don’t. That’s why it’s important to stay realistic when trying to recreate their fitness routines, and these three useful tips will get you there.

Set Your Goals

Unlike celebrities, you’re not training for an action movie or a world tour, so there’s no need for your routine to be as rigorous as theirs. You should start things off by setting the goals that work for you and then figure out if there are any elements of celebrity workouts that can help you achieve them.

Perfect Choice

Not everything your favorite celebrity does at the gym will necessarily work for you. It’s important to pick and choose when trying to recreate celebrity routines, and following them blindly won’t be effective because there are many elements that you probably won’t enjoy.

Where to Go

Celebrities often have a well-equipped home gym or go to expensive A-list studios that most mortals can’t afford. Training at the same gym as them is usually a mission impossible, but there’s no need to go there as long as you manage to find a gym that has all the machines and equipment necessary to recreate their routine.