3 Signs It’s Time to End a Friendship

Sometimes friendships don’t last as long as we’d like and even though that’s sad, it’s also totally normal. We shouldn’t be friends with people who make us feel bad just because we’ve known them for a long time. Here are some signs it’s time to end a friendship.


Jealousy is not reserved for romantic relationships only, it happens in friendship too. If your friend is acting possessive when you spend time with other people, you have to ask yourself if that person is truly your friend.


Unrealistic Expectations

If you’re doing your best to be there for your friend as much as you can, but they are constantly complaining and is never satisfied no matter what you do – maybe it’s time to part ways.  There are people who blame everything on others and nothing is good enough for them and those people are hard to be friends with.

They Make You Feel Bad

If you constantly feel bad after seeing a certain friend, take time to think about possible reasons for that. If they’re overly pessimistic, or mock you while making funny jokes, or they’re not happy for your success – those are all good reasons to take a break from certain people or to stop hanging out with them.