3 Self Care Rules That Jameela Jamil Lives By

Jameela Jamil. Photo by Christopher Polk/Variety/Shutterstock (10405777cm)

Jameela Jamil became one of our favorite celebrities online thanks to her honest approach to body positivity, mental health, and social issues. The Good Place actress always says it like it is, and she kept it real while discussing her self-care rules with Bustle.

Social Media Mindfulness

Jamil believes that it’s crucial to be very mindful of who you follow online. If you notice that people you follow are stressing you out, making you feel bad about yourself, or promoting unhealthy ideals, it’s time to put that unfollow button to some good use.


Limiting Screen Time

The English actress also stressed the importance of stepping away from your screen and filling your time with other activities. Playing with her dog, listening to music, and taking long walks are her favorite self-care techniques that help her keep her mental health in check.


Finding Comfort in Comedy

Jamil told Bustle that she genuinely believes that “comedy is vital to survival.” That doesn’t come as a surprise since she’s well-known for her great sense of humor, and she uses it to keep her feet on the ground during tough times.
