3 DIY Hair Masks For Every Type of Hair

Photo by Verne Ho on Unsplash

If you feel like your hair needs some more loving care, there’s no need to spend too much money, you can simply try these DIY masks that will give your hair everything it needs. All of these masks will decrease your frizz, and keep your hair hydrated, shiny, and beautiful.

Application is key when using these masks: you will get the best results if you put the mask on dry or damp hair. 20 minutes is the recommended time to make sure it penetrates the hair and scalp. When you finish, you can shampoo and condition as normal.

Avocado Hair Mask

For thick, dry or damaged hair that needs some good nourishment, try this mask.

Mix together ½ an avocado, 1 egg, and 1 tsp of olive oil and apply mid-shaft to the ends of the hair.

Banana Hair Mask

If you would like to add shine to your dull hair mix 1 ripe frozen banana, 1tbsp of raw organic honey and 1 egg. Blend the frozen banana and add the honey and eggs to the blender and blend again. Apply to your hair from the roots to the tips and cover with a shower cap.


Sugar Hair Mask

To calm a flaky scalp, put 2 tbsp of granulated sugar in a bowl with 1tsp of coconut oil and 2 drops of peppermint oil. Mix together and then gently massage into your scalp before you wash your hair. Rinse out with your shampoo and conditioner.
