3 Charming Island Countries You Should Visit in Europe

Kalkara, Malta. Photo by Mike Nahlii on Unsplash

France, Spain, and Italy are probably already on the list of your must-visit places, but Europe has so much more to offer to passionate travelers. If you’re in the mood for something a little bit different and more secluded, consider visiting one of Europe’s charming island countries.


If you enjoy nice weather and beautiful beaches, you can’t possibly go wrong with Malta. This tiny Mediterranean country is located south of Italy, and it’s home to many natural wonders and several prehistoric temples you can’t find anywhere else.



Cyprus is another charming island country with a warm climate that’s worth visiting all-year-long, but it’s especially popular with young tourists during the hot summer months. Its beaches are top of the line, and so is the nightlife.



If you’re not a fan of hot temperatures, and Malta and Cyprus simply don’t do the trick for you, Iceland is your best bet. It’s a perfect destination for adventurous tourists who enjoy exploring glaciers and chasing the Northern Lights.
