These Mistakes Are Why Your Hair Is Greasy

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Many people deal with greasy hair and the problem may happen for various reasons. For some it’s genetics, others have to thank hormonal imbalance, while some simply make mistakes they’re not even aware of. Here’s what you can do to prevent hair from getting greasy so often.

Don’t Wash It Too Often

Overwashing your hair can lead to stripping it of its natural oils, which only makes the scalp produce more. The least you can do is to avoid washing it every day and see if you can slowly extend the time between washes.

Watch What You Eat

Some of the foods that can make your hair more greasy are sugars, red meat, and dairy products. They affect the hormones in your body in such a way that your hair stays clean shorter, so avoiding these foods can really help.

Change the Pillowcase Often

As you sleep, the product residue and natural oils from your hair end up on your pillowcase. Sleeping on it night after night won’t help your hair with excess grease, so make sure to change your pillowcase often enough – once per week is a minimum but every few days is great.