Archives cat - My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty ! Mon, 02 Jul 2018 07:41:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 This Cat’s Travel Instagram Feed is Too Adorable Wed, 04 Jul 2018 08:11:59 +0000 We all know people who are too photogenic and just can’t look bad on pictures. But some cats are also born with this feature, and Nyankichi is one of them. He is from Kagoshima, Japan, but he is really the citizen of the world. Nyankichi has been accompanying his human on various trips, sharing the photos […]

The post This Cat’s Travel Instagram Feed is Too Adorable appeared first on My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty !.

We all know people who are too photogenic and just can’t look bad on pictures. But some cats are also born with this feature, and Nyankichi is one of them.

He is from Kagoshima, Japan, but he is really the citizen of the world. Nyankichi has been accompanying his human on various trips, sharing the photos with nearly 80k followers on Instagram and even more on Facebook! Meet him below and follow for more.

View this post on Instagram

【春を待つあなたに朗報】 誰が何と言っても、水曜日から気温上昇! 2/17のお天気、晴れ時々曇りの予報。絶好のパトロール日和になる予定! つきましては、皆さまのご参加をお待ちしておりますにゃりm(__)m ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓  ニャン吉がちょびっと地域おこしと健康づくりのお手伝い! ニャン吉に気合いを入れてもらおう!(寒中改め)早春パトロール(たぶん あまりんも一緒にパトロール)&【駅前カフェ 3ca8 さかやでランチ】&【オーラ撮影会】ツアー in 福岡 糟屋郡 【開催日】 2018年2月17日(土) 【時間・場所】 ●パトロール:11:20~ (1時間半程度) 場所につきましては、参加者に直接ご連絡いたします。 ニャン吉と一緒にウォーキング! 冬になまった体を引き締めるにゃり! ウォーキングの効果は、「脂肪燃焼」「血流改善」「病気の予防」など。 下半身の大きな筋肉を使うため、血流がよくなり美肌やむくみ解消、低体温改善なども期待できるそうにゃりよ! ●ランチ&オーラ撮影:13:30~15:30 家庭的で居心地バツグンのお店で、大人気のオムライスセットをいただきます! 謎の男、ゆめかなえ ゆう氏によるオーラ撮影。(ふだんは、メンタルヘルス向上のための健康体操の提案やヨガの指導もなさっているそうです) こちらの撮影機で撮影します。 オーラ撮影機(AURA-Q)…/B00D53B…/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_tl… オーラ写真を撮ると… 撮り終えた人同士で写真を見せあって、とっても盛り上がるらしいにゃり! □■□駅前カフェ 3ca8 さかやさんのfacebook□■□ 天然酵母パンあります! 【参加費】 ●パトロールお楽しみ料:500円 ●お食事代(オムライスセット):1,000円(部屋貸し切り料金込み) ●オーラ撮影:500円 解説付き(5分程度) ※ 申し込みはメールで!こちらにお願いします。 ↓ ↓ ↓ E-mail: tabinekonyankichi@gmail.comに、 お名前、参加人数、性別、連絡先をお知らせください。 ◆◇◆オーラ撮影について◆◇◆ オーラ写真とは? 人に流れている微弱な電波を機械で読み取って色で表します。 ~ゆめかなえ ゆう氏より~ あなたのオーラの色は何色でしょう? 機械に両手を置いていただくと、 ご自分の雰囲気がわかる写真が出てきます。 色の特徴にオススメの運動や、キーワードをご案内いたします。 パトロール終了後、お食事が終わられた方から順番に撮影いたします。 おひとり5分程度のお時間が必要です。参加者多数の場合、撮影できない方がいらっしゃる可能性もあります。予めご了承願います。 【参考・参照】 ウォーキングのダイエット効果って? 有効な距離・時間・歩き方 自然の中をウォーキングするとリフレッシュ効果抜群という研究成果 福岡の天気

A post shared by Nyankichi Noraneko (@noraneko_nyankichi) on

The post This Cat’s Travel Instagram Feed is Too Adorable appeared first on My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty !.

Top 5 Things Cats Simply Hate Sat, 28 Apr 2018 11:57:26 +0000 If you have a kitten, you have to be very attentive when it comes to doing what she likes. These cute furballs are adorable and loving, but they too have some things they simply hate. Avoiding these five things will allow your kitty to be happier and will strengthen your bond like never before. View this […]

The post Top 5 Things Cats Simply Hate appeared first on My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty !.

If you have a kitten, you have to be very attentive when it comes to doing what she likes. These cute furballs are adorable and loving, but they too have some things they simply hate.

Avoiding these five things will allow your kitty to be happier and will strengthen your bond like never before.

Being ignored by their humans

Cats are attention seekers and they need constant care, especially when they’re kittens. That way, they will learn to get used to human contact. Otherwise, they might develop behavioral issues.

Dirty litter boxes

Cats are some of the tidy creatures in existence. One thing they despise is a smelly or dirty litter box. If they see this, they will defecate on the floor as a sign of protest.

Spoiled food

Unlike dogs, cats are much pickier when it comes to food. They despise spoiled food and won’t even come near even their favorite meal if it has gone bad.

Nasty tasting meds

Kittens need bitter pills or capsules wrapped in bacon in order to eat them. It’s a challenging thing for a kitten to eat something she doesn’t like, but you can fool her.

Aggressive petting

Kitties are tender animals and they need to caressed very gently by their humans, just so they can enjoy the touch.


The post Top 5 Things Cats Simply Hate appeared first on My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty !.

How to Get Your Cat to Stop Biting Wed, 11 Apr 2018 07:33:17 +0000 Biting is inevitable if you get a cat. A cat won’t know it mustn’t bite until it is taught. Here are some tips for you to try to get your kitty to stop biting: If you let your cat grab and bite your hands, you’re telling your kitty that your hands are toys that can […]

The post How to Get Your Cat to Stop Biting appeared first on My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty !.

Biting is inevitable if you get a cat. A cat won’t know it mustn’t bite until it is taught. Here are some tips for you to try to get your kitty to stop biting:

If you let your cat grab and bite your hands, you’re telling your kitty that your hands are toys that can be chewed.

Get a chew toy for your cat. Most cats love a stuffed toy.

Praise your cat for not using their claws or teeth. Show emotion with your face and voice if they bite you. Cats understand facial expression and voice tone.

If your cat bites you, say what any other cat would say: HISS. This tells your cat you don’t like it and they must stop. But be careful: hissing loses its effectiveness if used too often.

If you’re dealing with a kitten, you can make a high-pitched squeal if they bite you. But that sound will aggravate an adult cat, so reserve the squeal for a kitten.

Consider a timeout when your cat is biting.

Whatever you do, don’t punish a cat physically.They will instinctively fight back.

The post How to Get Your Cat to Stop Biting appeared first on My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty !.

ersion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Archives cat - My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty ! Mon, 02 Jul 2018 07:41:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 This Cat’s Travel Instagram Feed is Too Adorable Wed, 04 Jul 2018 08:11:59 +0000 We all know people who are too photogenic and just can’t look bad on pictures. But some cats are also born with this feature, and Nyankichi is one of them. He is from Kagoshima, Japan, but he is really the citizen of the world. Nyankichi has been accompanying his human on various trips, sharing the photos […]

The post This Cat’s Travel Instagram Feed is Too Adorable appeared first on My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty !.

We all know people who are too photogenic and just can’t look bad on pictures. But some cats are also born with this feature, and Nyankichi is one of them.

He is from Kagoshima, Japan, but he is really the citizen of the world. Nyankichi has been accompanying his human on various trips, sharing the photos with nearly 80k followers on Instagram and even more on Facebook! Meet him below and follow for more.

View this post on Instagram

【春を待つあなたに朗報】 誰が何と言っても、水曜日から気温上昇! 2/17のお天気、晴れ時々曇りの予報。絶好のパトロール日和になる予定! つきましては、皆さまのご参加をお待ちしておりますにゃりm(__)m ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓  ニャン吉がちょびっと地域おこしと健康づくりのお手伝い! ニャン吉に気合いを入れてもらおう!(寒中改め)早春パトロール(たぶん あまりんも一緒にパトロール)&【駅前カフェ 3ca8 さかやでランチ】&【オーラ撮影会】ツアー in 福岡 糟屋郡 【開催日】 2018年2月17日(土) 【時間・場所】 ●パトロール:11:20~ (1時間半程度) 場所につきましては、参加者に直接ご連絡いたします。 ニャン吉と一緒にウォーキング! 冬になまった体を引き締めるにゃり! ウォーキングの効果は、「脂肪燃焼」「血流改善」「病気の予防」など。 下半身の大きな筋肉を使うため、血流がよくなり美肌やむくみ解消、低体温改善なども期待できるそうにゃりよ! ●ランチ&オーラ撮影:13:30~15:30 家庭的で居心地バツグンのお店で、大人気のオムライスセットをいただきます! 謎の男、ゆめかなえ ゆう氏によるオーラ撮影。(ふだんは、メンタルヘルス向上のための健康体操の提案やヨガの指導もなさっているそうです) こちらの撮影機で撮影します。 オーラ撮影機(AURA-Q)…/B00D53B…/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_tl… オーラ写真を撮ると… 撮り終えた人同士で写真を見せあって、とっても盛り上がるらしいにゃり! □■□駅前カフェ 3ca8 さかやさんのfacebook□■□ 天然酵母パンあります! 【参加費】 ●パトロールお楽しみ料:500円 ●お食事代(オムライスセット):1,000円(部屋貸し切り料金込み) ●オーラ撮影:500円 解説付き(5分程度) ※ 申し込みはメールで!こちらにお願いします。 ↓ ↓ ↓ E-mail: tabinekonyankichi@gmail.comに、 お名前、参加人数、性別、連絡先をお知らせください。 ◆◇◆オーラ撮影について◆◇◆ オーラ写真とは? 人に流れている微弱な電波を機械で読み取って色で表します。 ~ゆめかなえ ゆう氏より~ あなたのオーラの色は何色でしょう? 機械に両手を置いていただくと、 ご自分の雰囲気がわかる写真が出てきます。 色の特徴にオススメの運動や、キーワードをご案内いたします。 パトロール終了後、お食事が終わられた方から順番に撮影いたします。 おひとり5分程度のお時間が必要です。参加者多数の場合、撮影できない方がいらっしゃる可能性もあります。予めご了承願います。 【参考・参照】 ウォーキングのダイエット効果って? 有効な距離・時間・歩き方 自然の中をウォーキングするとリフレッシュ効果抜群という研究成果 福岡の天気

A post shared by Nyankichi Noraneko (@noraneko_nyankichi) on

The post This Cat’s Travel Instagram Feed is Too Adorable appeared first on My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty !.

Top 5 Things Cats Simply Hate Sat, 28 Apr 2018 11:57:26 +0000 If you have a kitten, you have to be very attentive when it comes to doing what she likes. These cute furballs are adorable and loving, but they too have some things they simply hate. Avoiding these five things will allow your kitty to be happier and will strengthen your bond like never before. View this […]

The post Top 5 Things Cats Simply Hate appeared first on My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty !.

If you have a kitten, you have to be very attentive when it comes to doing what she likes. These cute furballs are adorable and loving, but they too have some things they simply hate.

Avoiding these five things will allow your kitty to be happier and will strengthen your bond like never before.

Being ignored by their humans

Cats are attention seekers and they need constant care, especially when they’re kittens. That way, they will learn to get used to human contact. Otherwise, they might develop behavioral issues.

Dirty litter boxes

Cats are some of the tidy creatures in existence. One thing they despise is a smelly or dirty litter box. If they see this, they will defecate on the floor as a sign of protest.

Spoiled food

Unlike dogs, cats are much pickier when it comes to food. They despise spoiled food and won’t even come near even their favorite meal if it has gone bad.

Nasty tasting meds

Kittens need bitter pills or capsules wrapped in bacon in order to eat them. It’s a challenging thing for a kitten to eat something she doesn’t like, but you can fool her.

Aggressive petting

Kitties are tender animals and they need to caressed very gently by their humans, just so they can enjoy the touch.


The post Top 5 Things Cats Simply Hate appeared first on My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty !.

How to Get Your Cat to Stop Biting Wed, 11 Apr 2018 07:33:17 +0000 Biting is inevitable if you get a cat. A cat won’t know it mustn’t bite until it is taught. Here are some tips for you to try to get your kitty to stop biting: If you let your cat grab and bite your hands, you’re telling your kitty that your hands are toys that can […]

The post How to Get Your Cat to Stop Biting appeared first on My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty !.

Biting is inevitable if you get a cat. A cat won’t know it mustn’t bite until it is taught. Here are some tips for you to try to get your kitty to stop biting:

If you let your cat grab and bite your hands, you’re telling your kitty that your hands are toys that can be chewed.

Get a chew toy for your cat. Most cats love a stuffed toy.

Praise your cat for not using their claws or teeth. Show emotion with your face and voice if they bite you. Cats understand facial expression and voice tone.

If your cat bites you, say what any other cat would say: HISS. This tells your cat you don’t like it and they must stop. But be careful: hissing loses its effectiveness if used too often.

If you’re dealing with a kitten, you can make a high-pitched squeal if they bite you. But that sound will aggravate an adult cat, so reserve the squeal for a kitten.

Consider a timeout when your cat is biting.

Whatever you do, don’t punish a cat physically.They will instinctively fight back.

The post How to Get Your Cat to Stop Biting appeared first on My Daily Magazine - Art, Design, DIY, Fashion and Beauty !.
