This is Why You Shouldn’t Drink Coffee On An Empty Stomach

Coffee is an essential part of our morning routine, we usually drink it as soon as we open our eyes. However, drinking coffee before you eat can contribute to many health problems. 

First of all, coffee stimulates the production of acid in our body, which can eventually lead to heartburn or even gastric ulcers. According to Dr. Jamie Long, this happens “because there is nothing to compete with absorption,” since we’re drinking it on an empty stomach.

Our favorite morning routine can impact our mental health as well and can cause mood swings, jitters or shaking and some studies show that it can even lead to anxiety or depression.

“Especially when consumed in large amounts, studies have found that caffeine mimics symptoms of anxiety and even panic attacks. Symptoms can include restlessness, trembling, flushed face, and accelerated heart rate,” Dr. Jamie Long told Reader’s Digest.

“And if you’re already prone to experiencing anxiety, you’re even more vulnerable to the effects of coffee.”

Of course, you could have consumed coffee first thing in the morning for years, without noticing any of these symptoms. But just to be safe, maybe it’s best to at least have a snack before enjoying our first morning coffee.